Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ah, Relaxation...

This post will thus be about relaxation.

You see, I have finished my con apps homework for tomorrow, all five problems!!! Yay, and I only needed help on two of them! And I think I understand the two I got help on! It's such a good feeling not to be worried about homework. Now over the weekend I only have to write a Lit of War paper, practice DE until I get it, and do about 6 Esys problems. No problem! Right? But I refuse to worry about that right now! I am in a darn good mood.

As to weekend Wednesdays, as requested, I shall explain them. They are the day of the week in which most (not all, but most) students have one or less classes. The Rose class schedule revolves around MTRF classes, not W ones. Mostly, W classes are labs - I have a three hour Esys lab on W's, for example. Some students even have nothing to do on Wednesdays. So it is not like PCS, in that PCS just assigned less homework on is more that there is no class so nothing is due. Plus, that means Tuesday nights are the fun nights here, not Wednesday nights as it was back in high school.

Alright, I'm getting outta here. Take care, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Most but the freshies

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like a good system, especially with the intensity of Rose's program.

stud - frehmen get what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Did I say it or what? YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! I think YOU deserve an ice cream cone today, maybe a double. Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

So, umm, don't really have too much to say about this particular, a first, I think. Just wanted to wish you good luck this weekend! Guess that goes for homework and volleyball. See, there, I said something related to your post. Anyway, yeah, I'm gone, see ya, kid!

Lacey Rumley said...

Not worrying about homework ever is pretty sweet too, though working 40-45 hours a week is pretty much the same.


P.S. You know what I hate? When I swear that I get the little word verification code right, and it tells me to try again! Phooey.

Lacey Rumley said...

We just got those wallets this week (a month and a half after they were taken - sheesh), and I will get it in the mail to you pretty soon. It's the same picture that's up on our blog today.


Anonymous said...

I'll be your photographer!!! Only one problem...can you take pictures via the internet?? invention I'm not aware of? Project you're working on? Or are ya gonna come home?! :-D Yeah, so I'm beat...worked til 10:30 tonight...oh the joy. Work same shift tomorrow night as well. Good thing I'm a night person, eh? Anyway, that's all for now...I'm gonna go crash(aka, sit and stare into space for hours on end). See ya!!!