Friday, September 09, 2005

Do You Know How GOOD It Feels?

Oh wow, I am finished with con apps homework...and that is a massive task. I don't have DE done, but he doesn't collect it and right now I feel as light as air, I just don't care! I had a good practice today, and we open tomorrow at home, the Rose invitational; and my family will be here!

The sun is shining, even though it is midnight here. I know it's out there, because I can feel it warming my heart.

"Good morning, life! Good morning, world, how are ya happiness? All at once I know what living can be! It feels so good to be alive and in love!" Sing it, Dean. Minus the "in love". Don't freak, folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't freak, she says. You almost got me! It was good to read an uplifting blog. Keep your chin up. Can't wait for 8 more hours - we will see you in person. Love you, MOM