Monday, September 05, 2005

Rise and Shine, It's Butt-Whipping Time!!

Quote from Cool Runnings, by the way. Go see it, it's a classic.

Wooooow, today was a tough practice. I knew it would be after the horrendous failure of a weekend we just had; but oy. I am dead tired now and am trying to get my con apps done in time for class tomorrow. It is due tomorrow and I am getting sick of doing it already. At least it is not too hard in the concept area yet (haha, at least, I am hoping I got it right). It's just sooooo tedious.

And it's only two problems. Heh heh, I may not live this year out.

I love my family! They all called...well, I called them, but they put me on speaker phone and I got to talk to the whole family on Labor Day weekend when I couldn't be home. Sniff, poor me. Maybe next weekend they will come down here to visit me! Then they can see my mad volleyball skills.

As LT would say, jk. Gotta quit avoiding homework now. It's getting late.


Anonymous said...

Cool eyes, eh??? If you were a guy, I'd be madly in love. HAHAHA, soooo joking, I'm not THAT soft. And, yes, Cool Runnings is an awesome movie. Makes me laugh hysterically every time I see it. Could be I'm just easily entertained...very, VERY possible. Hmmmk(yes, I said hmmmk...thinking and saying "ok" at the same time), I'm gonna go. Go where? Do what? Who knows!!! But, anyway, I'll talk to ya later, kid! Don't let con apps kill ya, I need you around for comic relief! See ya!

Anonymous said...

Not only do we need a "movie night" we need a all-Rumley children meeting! Everyone here misses you all! Come visit some time. Love you, MOM