Friday, July 28, 2006

Big and Rich

Wow. Might I say that the Porter County Fair has really upped its quality recently? Betsey and I went to an amazing Big and Rich show (the only downside was that we couldn't line dance...chairs were EVERYWHERE...but everyone stood up so that was ok) that ended in a late-night migration to DC's. Where we most definitely could line dance. I say migration because Big and Rich announced they were headed out to DC's that night and TONS of people from the show decided to head there as well. I have never seen DC's so crowded! There was a line out the door to get in. But there was plenty of space out on the dance floor, so Betsey and I had a blast! I got to shake Cowboy Troy's hand and stood within two feet of John Rich as he entered DC's. We have some great pictures of John Roch performing onstage at DC's. Amazing!

We also headed to a rodeo at the fair...that was a lot of fun! It was more of a performance than an actual competition, but it was great just the same! We have pictures from that as well. As soon as we get them off of the ancient film camera we were using, I can try to show them to you.

I am entering my last two weeks of work at USG. Then I have a couple of days off and it is off to Rose for volleyball preseason. I am half excited and half dreading the end of my summer. I love summer SOOO much!

I have made some trips to the beach. On the last one, the riptide was so strong and the waves were huge! I couldn't head straight back to the beach, I had to go back diagonally and walk back up the beach. It was amazing! It felt so good.

Well, I'm's the weekend! I posted just before leaving work so you people with anger issues can relax a little and have something to read. And so I don't have to post again until I am back at Rose. Later, y'all!

*Edit* Let me just add...WOULD EVERYONE STOP FIRING INTO CROWDED HIGHWAYS THAT I TAKE TO WORK EVERY DAY???!!! Please? These goll-durn snipers are getting on my nerves. While they all seem to have bad aim and worse motives, I still would rather not run into one of their bullets while making my way to work one day. I guess driving lickety-split and slightly erratically is the best way to minimize myself as a target. Good thing I've been practicing for a few years now. They'll never get me when I turn on my evasive action! Ok, off to bed. Muah!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Posting Outside

There's a funny thing about trading cars with your sister so that she can change your oil and a badly clogged air filter and giving her your keys and getting hers from her. You end up getting home and sitting outside posting on the neighbor's wireless because you don't have a house key.

Yup, that's my update. Betsey is here now. Going inside. Adios.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth!

The Fourth of July is officially one of my favorite's in the middle of the summer, it's all about the freedom of my amazing country, it involves explosions come ON, and no one in the neighborhood minds you being obnoxiously loud in the middle of the night. Mmm. Really, I find the sounds of explosions comforting. It's lovely.

Betsey and I are going to a local parade! SO fun...we haven't ever really been to this small town shindig. Should be fun. Welp, I should go help her make pancakes...then we are off to get ready and go see our little parade! Have a splendid holiday, everyone; don't get hurt but take the risks cuz it's worth it!

God bless America.