Thursday, September 29, 2005

Boo Yah!

Guess who got a 95 on her Esys exam?? Oh yeah, baby!!! I'm super excited about that one. I would have had a 96 if I hadn't forgotten to write down units on one part of one problem. Grr, I hate stupid mistakes like that. Well, that's a solid A in that class for midterms! Yay!!

So now I am doing con apps problems, yuk. They aren't bad (the first three, anyway); it's the last two that are killing me...well, I really don't even know where to start. I think I'll go start guessing now. Maybe that will get me somewhere. You never know!

Bonfire and pep rally tomorrow! Yay for Homecoming! It should be a blast!

We have two games this Saturday, so come on out!


Anonymous said...

Have fun at homecoming! Wow, I'm really excited that I'm posting the first comment. Awesome test score too. We got our Bio exams back today and the average score was a 76% and I got a 92%. I was pretty excited about that, it's not as good as your score though ;). Have a great weekend and I hope I talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, kid! Gotta love those 95%'s. You're amazing.

I hope you do GREAT at your games this weekend...pretty sure my visiting isn't gonna happen. Sorry, my love! :(


Anonymous said...

Congratualtions! Keep up the good work, you can do it!