Friday, March 31, 2006

well i had nothing else to do in stats class

Betsey wins. She got me to take the quiz.

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Physical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch:
Quality Time:
Receiving Gifts:
Words of Affirmation:
Acts of Service:

Take the quiz

I think physical touch and quality time kinda go hand-in-hand, no pun intended. *wink*

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Rocked that one. Yay! ADES isn't going to make a casualty out of me.

I'm not certain it's necessary to use proper capitalization and punctuation when writing in fragments.

Toronto in one week and one day. Woot!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Don't you wish sometimes that you would be all grown up and have it over and done with? I learn new things that God is trying to drill into my head every day, and yet it seems like I don't make much progress. It's kinda like treading water. I can just keep myself afloat but I'm not going anywhere fast. Aarg!

It's a good thing, though. I really am learning something useful that will help me be able to serve the Lord better someday. I really am. That's what I have to keep telling myself when I feel like I am right back where I started from.

I am kinda busy recently. With volleyball starting up (a lot more than I was expecting for a spring season) and choir and the AIAA project and all of my classes and spring break coming up that I am planning for, things are rather crazy. I like to be busy (I mean, who wants to be bored??), but I have to make sure I am not stressing all the time. Seriously, I am such a worry wort, and it doesn't make life fun.

I have been discussing a lot in Non-Fiction, and it is hard. Hard to portray my faith correctly without sounding like a right-wing radical...hard to articulate my beliefs without bringing the Bible, God, or Jesus into it...hard to be the only one defending my position! That is a new one for me. But there ARE other people of faith in the class, I have discovered that. I think I am just still too conservative in my views for them. It's also hard when I'm not sure about something, and that is the point they want to attack. I don't even know myself yet! I feel so inadequate in a religious debate. I don't feel like I know nearly enough!

Well, I need to do some homework. Bed by midnight! (rain or shine ;)

Monday, March 27, 2006


I'm back after a great weekend at home. I decided that I get a lot more work done at home then I do at college for SURE. Sheesh, I was so productive that I got everything done on Saturday and had the rest of the weekend to enjoy!

Speaking of enjoying....I got to celebrate Jaymi's 20th birthday with her!! It was a lot of fun and I ate an obscene amount of food. Mmm. We went out to eat at Olive Garden (which also provided my Sunday night meal...yay for leftovers!) and then went back to Jaymi's house for cake and ice cream. I saw Jenni(y?)'s baby too! Wow, we don't grow 'em that small in the Rumley family. She was sooo tiny! Very cute.

The one disappontment of the weekend was that my baby was not born. Sad. :( That means I probably won't see him or her until spring break.

SPEAKING OF WHICH...Betsey and I are making plans for heading up to Toronto and Niagara Falls the weekend of April 7th, 8th, and 9th. That is the beginning of my spring break, and we will be camping, seeing the Falls, the CN Tower, shopping, and heading back to Lansing on Sunday to spend a few hours with my other amazing sister, Emily. Yeah, we are awesome!!

Well I gotta run, but I will update more later.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Greatest Roommate in the World!

That's mine! KT is the best! I received the best compliment I have ever gotten tonight; I'm telling you, God works in the times when you least expect it and certainly least deserve it! So stay strong, whatever you are going through, because you may be touching a life when you feel the least worthy. :D

KT and I decided to take a few hours off; we went and saw V for Vendetta together. WOW! I would HIGHLY recommend this movie to y'all. Lots of noise, definitely a pyro-paradise, gore, love, angst, a great musical score...overall, it was lovely. There's also a revolting scene, but I won't tell you what it is. Let's just say I was NOT expecting it and it will not be what you expected either, probably. But you should still see it, regardless. GREAT film.

Meanwhile, me and my roomie dusted off a giant tub of popcorn and a box of raisinets and two huge cups of pop. It was good at the time...but we will be working it off tomorrow! We might have our first vball practice of the year then, but no matter what, KT and I will be doing our vball workout, so we'll sweat away those calories. Anyways, I have a stats test tomorrow and I still need to finish the homework. So I will leave now to get all that done. Peace out!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Just A Week!

Volleyball starts again on Sunday! We are having 3 practices a week for spring season and hopefully up to four scrimmages, although we only have one for sure right now. We have seven girls for spring season...yikes! But we are going to be great. That's what I think.

I have a chem test tomorrow. NOT excited about studying for it, even though it's an open note test. I need to know how to do the problems within the time given, so I still need to study. Ugh. Ly. Chemistry is odious to my soul.

I get to sing tomorrow though! I love choir! Well, gotta go concentrate, pooey. Home this weekend for Jaymi's birthday, though! YAY! Maybe I'll make a tiny trip to Grand Rapids as well to see a new baby! Alrighty, I'm out.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Guys and Dolls

Went and saw my Ashly perform in Guys and Dolls last night! She did so good. She was a Hotbox Girl...hahaha, it was funny to see her in all of those crazy outfits! I knew a lot of the people in the performance, actually. I love live theater and I love musicals, so this was a lot of fun. Not professional quality, but for Rose it was great! Plus it was the first night of performances, and usually it gets better later on. Wow, some of those people had amazing voices!

Next year, KT and I may be rooming with Rachel (her ex-bball-teammate) and either Charli or Sami, both of whom would be awesome to room with! I would really like to room with Charli. She is a fantastic person. Both Charli and Sami were in the musical last night. They also sing in the choir with me. Yeah, altos! baby might be born SOON! Lacey might be having contractions (I don't really know how this works, but she said something about contractions, not sure if it's the real thing or not). So maybe next weekend when I am home for Jaymi's birthday, I can also go see my new nephew or niece! It's going to be a great weekend. Well, time to get the day going. Bye all!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

He Unconditionally Loves You

It's like a hug from the Creator of the universe; just when you need it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


This feeling of being done with all homework assigned tomorrow...and it's only 10:30! Wow. Yup, feels great.

I think I'm gonna revel in it. Meaning that perhaps I will watch Dumb and Dumber to reward myself for being so smart. ;)

I had labs today and it was the first time I had done a chem lab this quarter (gone last week for the funeral). Therefore, all of the people had partnered up and lil ole me was all by my lonesome. So I did a lab ALL BY MYSELF...gasp! I think I did ok though; no horrid screw-ups, which I was kinda expecting. I hope hope hope that I get put into a group of three for next time though. I kinda doubt I can keep up this flawless record, heh heh.

Time to go par-tay! I will see you all later. Later.

Monday, March 13, 2006


So I completely wiped out going into the Union for dinner the other night. It wasn't a graceful fall at all. I was wearing flip flops and when my feet hit the tile, they just slid sideways out from under me and I fell and proceeded to flop on the floor like an idiot. Of course, that would be the one time I went with a large group of people. Man. We couldn't stop laughing. It was pretty funny. ;)

But then I felt justified bc (hehe, poor guy) as I was walking back from class today, I saw a guy walk up the one step into BSB and as he was reaching for the door he just kinda fell (NO idea why) and landed on his knees. The best part is that he tried to get up like nothing happened, didn't look around, and went inside pretty quickly. HAHAHHAHA, oh man I really wanted to laugh right then but I thought I might hurt his feelings. So I will just mercilessly rip away at him anonymously over the internet. I mean, at least I wiped out on slippery tile and had the decency to laugh at myself. This guy fell on nice frictiony concrete. Hehe.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Doing Homework Blah

Gotta take a study break every once in a while. Resurface for air. So I'll write this and then go write my response paper for Non-Fic.

My roomie got her tattoo! It's really cute. It's on her left foot and it is a Chinese (or Japanese? not sure) symbol for energy or strength or something like that. It's pretty cool. She said it didn't hurt as badly as she was expecting.

KT and I worked out this morning and then had lunch. Whooie, I hadn't worked out in a while (well besides running on Thursday) and we were kinda hard core. I'm gald though that I am getting back in the swing of things.

Choir was fun but difficult. They are really good and I am trying to catch up and learn new things. I really think I am going to like it though and the music is AMAZING. We are singing pieces from Wicked and other popular msuicals as well as some "show choir" style stuff and some really pretty Latin pieces. It's so cool.

Alrighty, my break has been long enough now, including the other interruptions. See y'all later.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

God's Been Good To Me

Wow, these last few days have been a doozy. I can't go into all of the details because this would be a LONG post, but I will try to summarize for you.

On Monday, I started my new quarter at Rose; at the same time, however, I was informed that my cousin (19 years old) had died and his funeral would be on Wednesday in Flint (or near there), Michigan. I had to talk to both of the professors whose labs I would be missing on Wednesday, but they were really understanding about it.

I left on Tuesday after classes for Flint. A drive that should ahve taken me all of 7 hours lasted about 10 with the wrong turns I took. But I finally made it!

The funeral went as well as could be expected (I missed the viewing because of my Tuesday classes), but it was shocking to see my cousin lying there so pale and unnatural looking. He was so full of life! I wasn't close to him, but seeing his family and friends hurting so badly and knowing that I probably did nothing the whole time I knew him to impact his life in a positive way was really tough. Leaving him at the graveside was tough as well. It was so final.

When we tried to head home afterwards, disaster struck again in the form of a blown-out tire. But God took SUCH good care of us, sending an amazing family our way to pick me and Betsey and the kids up off the highway and fix our car enough to get it temporarily road-worthy again. While I should have ended up in Terre Haute at 10 or 11 my time, Dad finally ended up getting me there at 4 AM. I had class at 9 the next day.

We made it safely, though, and Dad headed STRAIGHT BACK (crazy kid, I know) and he made it safely as well. I've never seen us be so well protected by God so much in such a short spread of time. But I made it on time to all of my classes and no one was injured in the road mishaps and we met an amazing new family.

This weekend I am going on a roadtrip with my roomie (after she gets a tattoo! it's gonna look really cool). Fun times! I went to choir for the first time today. They are GOOD, but it was a lot of fun. I'm tired now, so I will go get ready for my make-up lab tomorrow and then hit the sack. Love you all!

Monday, March 06, 2006

GREAT professors

My new professors are amazing. I went to talk to them about missing both of my labs on Wednesday and they were very understanding. One is letting me take the lab on Friday morning while the other told me to not even worry about it. I won't have to make the second one up. I was relieved; I was expecting a lot bigger of an ordeal. Under the circumstances, I think it could not have turned out better.

My ADES professor is a Christian; he introduced himself that way and told us all a lot about himself. He's a pretty smart guy I suppose (he went to Princeton for his doctorate - craziness). He's also one of the prof's that let me take a lab later in the week so that I could go to the funeral on Wednesday.

The next few days are going to be very busy and crazy. PLEASE if you get a chance, pray for my extended family as they deal with the death of my cousin; he was very young. My age. I can't imagine what they are going through right now, and I just want to be as supportive as I can be, even though I am not close to any of them.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Quarter Break

summary: SURPRISE at grace, peace at home, interview followed by chicago and then lots of gore and two good friends, more peace at home, and line dancing to cap the week o' fun! all of this interspersed with season one of 24.

FUN! Now I am back at Rose, so I'll inform y'all of more later.

Friday, March 03, 2006

summer internship

I GOT IT!!!! Soooooooooo excited! I had an interview with USG on Wednesday and I wasn't sure how it went. Interviews and me don't get along very well.

THEN, on Friday (today) I got a call - well, I was still in bed but Mom woke me up to call the office back - and they offered me the position! YAY!

It's going to be a great summer. I will live at home, a lot cheaper than the other alternatives, and I will get engineering experience, which seems to be vital to securing a job in the future. Ya know.

SUPER DUPER excited! Kyle also got the position, so we will be working together this summer. I don't know who the third guy (or girl) is yet; interesting stuff. Life's crazy, I tell ya.