Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oh, and I applied online to Caterpillar today! Go internships! Hopefully I will get one there, but if not I am getting one this year. For shizzle.


Anonymous said...

Haha. <- That's me laughing at your Weekend Wednesday comment from the last post. Sadly, Grace has not yet discovered this divine mandate. Grr. Come to games this weekend, huh? That would be flippin' sweet (that's my hall's fav phrase). Hmm. We'll see. I love you, crazie!!!

Anonymous said...

Jori's comment is sad. God still can perform a miracle! Tough practices make a better volleyball player (or a better whatever you are practicing). Can't wait to see you with your new accomplishments on the court. We love you - see ya! MOM

Anonymous said...

Go get that internship! You can do it! Be bold about going after the kind you want.

Please explain Weekend Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Aww, wish I could come to your games this weekend, but I's gotsta work. I did request the 20th off, though, so hopefully...Your comment about PCS vball made me laugh....sadly 'cause it's so true, ahh, good times. Well, I s'pose that's all for now. See ya, kid!
(Oh, yeah, I didn't know you were allergic to watermelon..or maybe I did...anyhoo, yeah, new factoid about Erin, woohoo!!!)