Wednesday, March 15, 2006


This feeling of being done with all homework assigned tomorrow...and it's only 10:30! Wow. Yup, feels great.

I think I'm gonna revel in it. Meaning that perhaps I will watch Dumb and Dumber to reward myself for being so smart. ;)

I had labs today and it was the first time I had done a chem lab this quarter (gone last week for the funeral). Therefore, all of the people had partnered up and lil ole me was all by my lonesome. So I did a lab ALL BY MYSELF...gasp! I think I did ok though; no horrid screw-ups, which I was kinda expecting. I hope hope hope that I get put into a group of three for next time though. I kinda doubt I can keep up this flawless record, heh heh.

Time to go par-tay! I will see you all later. Later.


Adminswife said...

Dumb & Dumber is "par-tay" time. You need a break! Can't wait until next weekend.

Tobin and Erin said...

it wasn't that much fun, actually. i quit watching it. there are funny parts, but it wasn't really worth it. but still...i felt a sense of accomplishment! yay for getting homework done. yeah i need a break, heh heh, even if the quarter HAS just started!