Monday, October 31, 2005

It's the Big One....

Yup, third and final con apps test tomorrow. Until the final, that is. Yikes. This is the big one, folks. I gotsta do good on this. So I shall be studying my lil hind end off tonight. Gaah.

On a brighter note, Lit of War is going to see Jarhead theaters! Free! I love that class. Soooo much. We are working on "The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel" now. Wow, what a piece of work. It is a play with Pavlo as the main character. He is absolutely crazy, I tell you. It is a hilarious play...I laughed out loud several times while reading it. But it also has lots of profanity, so the reading out loud in class gets kind of interesting sometimes. The drill sergeant is probably the funniest character, although Kress is right up there. Anyways, if you want an interesting read, and a unique one, that would be one. The play itself I am sure is brilliant, but I am not sure I want to see some of the scenes acted out.

This week includes the con apps test, a captain's meeting for IM bball, and a tournament this weekend for which we have to leave at 2:30 on Thursday. That means zero classes for me on Friday...which could be a good or bad thing. BAD because I will be missing TWO con apps classes again (it starts at 2:30, so I will miss it Thursday and Friday); yet good because YAY I don't have to worry about class. Just gotta get my work done ahead of time.

Alrighty, time to finish the ole Esys homework and study like crazy for con apps.


Anonymous said...

Praying for success on your tests...go get 'em, girlie!


Anonymous said...

Ooh boy, hope that studying goes great for you. Such an enjoyment it is, I'm sure. That's cool you guys are going to a movie for free. Hmph, I never get to see movies for free, gosh darn it. Oh well, guess when you pay buttloads of bucks for school, free movies are allowed to be thrown in there somewhere. Sea glass....I'm not too sure exactly how it's made. Something I read said something about the sand being turned in the water for so long or something like that...dunno, you're the smart one here, you tell me. Anyway, this is really long so I'm gonna get outta here. I'll talk to you later, kid. Good luck with your test, oh how lovely they are.

Anonymous said...

Also praying for SUCCESS! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Elyse, Dad & Zachary are sick - pray for them. Nothing new here - love you and have complete confidence in your ability to do you best. MOM

Anonymous said...

"your" best. What a blonde!