Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

Have you ever met that person that just wouldn't apologize? Ever? Because he knows everything there is to know, after all, and he is always right. Well, I just got an apology from that person. As close as he ever gets to an apology, I would assume. Yup, the affore-mentioned Jerk-Face has been moved to the PMSing Man in my Order of Species. He said, and I quote, "Should have been done sooner," as he handed me the envelope. Woot! I felt pretty good about it. So now I am off to do statics (maybe calculus) and pack. Italy tomorrow! Can you believe it?


Anonymous said...

You go girl! YOU CAN DO IT and YOU DID DO IT!

Bet you can't guess who?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! YOU CAN DO IT and YOU DID DO IT!

Bet you can't guess who?!?!?!?!

Lacey Rumley said...

Have fun, Erin! Thanks for bloggin!!

Lacey Rumley said...

P.S. Your poem was hilarious - nice use of "It'ly"