Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I really liked the random question.

So I decided to post on it. First read the random question in my profile. Then enjoy the fruits of my logical mind:

Disposable space shuttles of course! One, because that's all I'll know how to make if I finish out college the way I am planning, and two because people pay for convenience. Who wants a huge space shuttle sitting in their backyard (and on the house and on the front yard) when they could just chuck it in the trash with the rest of the used utensils? Think of the convenience to mankind! Space shuttle sales will skyrocket!

Here's a random thought for you: Did you know that a lot of people post simply to talk to each other? Why don't they just IM or email them? It seems much more logical to me. Well, there's my thoughts for today. Whew, so much mental activity wore me out. Later, folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heeheehee...i'm in a certain class which will remain unnamed at a certain school which will also remain anonymous. For that matter, I'd better remain anonymous too since the school tracks where you go on the internet. Not that it'd be that hard to figure out, since i'm leaving a comment on my sister's blog..DOH! Dang. All well, they probably would've figured it out anyway. So I hope you got my message the other day. I just read all your blogs since you got back at Rose, I haven't been on the ole 'net much recently. I'm drowning in work and make-up work and backed-up work, but not as bad as you, so that makes me feel better. Longest comment ever left, I'm sure. So you're my favorite. And you're amazing. Hit those books like they're, uh, something really bad that makes you mad and want to hit things. And succeed in life. My advice for the day. I'll try to e-mail later. Love you!