Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mud Volleyball and A Few Good Men Squared

Rose put on its production of A Few Good Men on Friday. Well, this is the third performance, including last weekend's performances. I went with Adam, Steve, and Brian. We found Amanda and Chris there and sat with them. It was an entertaining night. The acting wasn't superb; the main characters did pretty well, but some of the others were monotone and wooden. There were several mistakes, and parts where what the character said didn't make much sense because I think they skipped chunks of dialogue, but overall it went pretty well. The only part where I started laughing uncontrollably was the suicide scene. Yes, you may think such a scene would be sad...and it was, right up to the part where he put the gun in his mouth and the lights all went dark. I was rigid in my chair, just waiting to be scared silly when the gun went off. Then there was a flash of blue-white light as the guy's face lit up (Nick Slabaugh played the part, by the way, which made it that much harder to take seriously), then a pause, and then a muted bang followed by a digitized splash of blood that was projected onto a backdrop. I have not seen anything so funny in a LONG time. It took a while for my row to calm ourselves.

So, why does God play with us mere mortals?? Only a week or two ago, it was mid-70's and sunny outside. But this weekend, it's rainy and we're lucky if we hit 50 degrees. So, naturally, it's the same weekend that we signed up for mud volleyball. At 10 AM. On a rainy Saturday.

MY GOODNESS, that was a cold game. When we lost, we were actually happy. That meant we could go warm up! I was sooo muddy, and it was a lot of fun, despite the frigid cold. We got T-shirts out of the deal, and decided not to stay for the pyramid or belly-flop contest since we had already been outside for 2 hours. The cheeseburgers and cheetos were fabulous, though!

Tonight, we are watching A Few Good Men because the play whetted our appetites. Now we get to see how it is supPOSEd to be. Also, I saw To End All Wars this weekend. GOOD movie.

Lots of homework this weekend, but in two weeks it's ALL OVER. WAHOO!!!! Lata gatas.


Anonymous said...

Let me know how A Few Good Men goes (the second time). I've heard of it but don't know anything about it. Fill me in!

Glad you got some food out of the mud volleyball deal. Wouldn't have been worth the exercise if you hadn't, right?? Amen, sista.

Two more weeks??!! Wooooo! And then non-stop fun! "It's banana time in the monkey house!" -Frank, Everybody Loves Raymond

Can't wait.


Adminswife said...

What "monkey house?" I guess calling it a "zoo" would make it qualify.

Can't wait for two more weeks to fly by. Pretty soon!

Funny post, my dear! Love it!

Aunt Nancy sent a picture of you two, probably taken at one of your open houses. Good one!

Miss you! Don't bring your mud volleyball clothes home - throw them out!