Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I GOT A 91 ON MY FLUIDS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that was unexpected, undeserved, and quite a relief frankly.

So tonight...

@7, engineering chemistry review session
@8, mechanical systems review session
@9, vball with my teammates
@10, japanese society group meeting to go over our presentation for this Firday
@11, mechanical systems homework in the study room


Anonymous said...

WHOA! Not jealous at all. You're amazing.


Anonymous said...

Good job on the test. I took a killer New Testament exam on Monday and should get it back tomorrow. I have a ton of stuff to do tonight as well. I guess I've had a little bit too much fun the past few days . . . ;)

Have a great night girlie!

Anonymous said...

Good job on the fluids test! I am flunking my fluids test - need to get back in the swing. Will see "B" in less than 36 hours - yeah! Love you!

Emily said...

you have too much planned for tonight (well, that's last night now). don't make yourself sick!

Anonymous said...

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the fluids test! Keep goin', kid, you're almost done! Well, for a week or so, anyway.