Friday, February 10, 2006


How do I do this to myself? Seriously, my body has a breaking point, at which it will shut itself off and wake to no man...or alarm!

I had the best plans today: get up at 7 AM, take a shower, study for the fluids exam I have today, eat breakfast, shop for books for next quarter, and go get DE help from a professor with my friend.

Somehow that all went out the window when I woke up at 10 AM. Therefore, not only did I NOT do all the things listed above (including ditching my friend and the professor wasn't even there to answer her questions...whoops), I also skipped my chemistry class. It wasn't too important (we had a test yesterday), so at least that's a plus. But then I went to DE (we didn't have a quiz YAY) and lunch and considered skipping Japanese Society too because I was studying. But I got the material quickly, was nervous about missing a quiz, and went to JS only a couple of minutes late. I just studied now at work.

And now I am going to be late to Msys (and my test is after that!) so I will go.

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