Monday, January 09, 2006

Look! Something To Say!

I used my quesadilla maker for the first time today! My roomie and my suitmate each had one too! Ok, so my roomie had two...they were sooo good! We made them with refried beans, onions, cheddar cheese, and chili seasoning. Mmmm. I have eggs and onions in my fridge for the next breakfast I wanna make. In my pan. :D was an experience! I don't have much counter space, and I didn't want to go down to the kitchen...and I had to improvise with some utensils. But it was great! I felt so accomplished! I made a meal...and a good one! Cutting the onion was interesting. No, I didn't cry; it didn't even burn my eyes. But, I had to cut on a paper plate and I had to go to the kitchen because the room's counter had the quesadilla maker on it...and I started with my knife, but it being plastic-ee, that didn't work out too well. So I found one in the drawer. And promptly began to use it: upside down. I figured that out (mutter mutter, why won't this CUT?!) after I pressed down on the blade with my finger. No cuts, no blood, no danger. I just figgered out it was sharper on the other side. Went MUCH smoother after that.

So all in all, it was a successful endeavor. And now, I am going to bed. (:() (it's a monkey, see?)


Anonymous said...

HA! You crack me up. You're definitely my comic relief. I know, I know, that's what you've aspired to be all your life. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Hey, I have exciting news on the school front, so hopefully we'll talk soon. See ya.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to the second episode of the use of "the pan!" Yeah for succeeding and being able to eat it!