Sunday, January 22, 2006

I Have the Best Family in the World


Anonymous said...

Trying to outdo Betsey on complimenting the fam, are we?? That's it....I call a blog war.

-Betsey the Terrible

Anonymous said...

You are soooo right! Love you muches!

Anonymous said...

Of course, part of the reason you do is the fact that you're a part of it.

Tobin and Erin said...


Anonymous said...

daRn it. Dad wins.


Anonymous said...

Ok, first of all, when I read the comment you left me I laughed quite alot. Second, exactly how much caffeine had you consumed when you left me that comment? And third, I happen to think I have the best family in the world, but I suppose we're all partial ;).

Love ya girlie! And you're pretty great as well :).