Thursday, November 17, 2005


Answer: An amazing family.

Question: What does Erin have?

Yay, I get to go home and see my amazing family in just a few more hours! One Esys final and then I am out the door! Soooo excited!

Recent development: the van doors will not unlock from the outside with my key. The only exterior lock that works is the tailgate; that's right, folks. I am now reduced to climbing into my car from the tailgate and crawling over the seats to get to the front. I feel like Rocketman. And if you don't know what I am talking about, you should definitely go see that movie. "If Iiiiii were kiiiiiing of the foreeeeeeest!" oh man, wipe a tear from my eye, good times.

The waiting is one of the hardest parts. I just want to take my test RIGHT NOW!!!!

It's gonna be great!


Anonymous said...

oh man...whew...that was FUNNY!!! i'm here with dan at the gym and i am CRACKING up!!! he thought is was great too! oh boy...our cars...they keep life interesting..

Anonymous said...

You have life skills other people's children will never have! I just leave the van unlocked, so I never know if the key works or not.

Anonymous said...

You are truly one of a kind. I'd like to see you enter the van via the trunk. Like I tell the kids, "Who wants to take the short cut the long way?" I guess you are the winner! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!!! Oh, you are not allowed to crack up in the library, but I definitely just did. Remember this one: "Time to de-burglarize the vehicle!" I could pull that one off with all my stinkin flat tires. Oh, that was amAZing! Can't wait to see you!!!


Anonymous said...

Ha, I'm with your family on this one, definitely cracked up when I read it. Hope your final went well and I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing you sometime in the next week. You probably won't even read this til you get back to Rose, but oh well....later, kid.

Anonymous said...

Aww, are you home now?? Can't wait to be there with you. I hope you know I'm planning on laughing my fool head off this weekend, whether at you or myself or both, don't care. Or Elyse. She's a pretty likely target, too. :) I love you, girl. Miss you!


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great weekend at home :). See you Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jori: UPDATE, UPDATE!

Anonymous said...

How was the marathon?