Sunday, November 27, 2005

After a Brief Hiatus...

I am back at Rose. Time for a new quarter! This one has no mistakes in it massive tests or homework assignments looming on the incompetent profs rambling my money's all fresh and new! I intend to take advantage of that. I want to be on the ball right away. I think I kinda sorta (knock on wood) have this college thing figured out. Scholastically, anyway.

I had a great time at home! Got to: enjoy a 12 hour LOTR marathon with good buddies; gorge on insane amounts of food; see each and every member of my immediate family and some of the extended; host an awful PCS party that will not be repeated; go shopping at 4:30 in the morning on the day after Thanksgiving...we got great doorbuster sales!; go to my church and have a GREAT college class (love Dick Bucher)!!! My break was amazing!

There, I have updated as per your requests.


Anonymous said...

Darlin', the "party" was quite typical of PCS. You've just been away for so long that you've forgotten. I am glad I got to see you, though. Take care, kid, and have a great quarter!

Anonymous said...

I knew YOU COULD DO IT! Thanks for the update. Enjoyed having "All My Children" home for the holiday. It was a great time! Today was weigh in day - won't tell the results, remember Thanksgiving was a few days ago. Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

"Hiatus" that's a good, college-y word.