Sunday, November 13, 2005

I Won...

An Applebee's gift certificate! For $10. Yay!

Now I am going to go study my patootie off. With a break here and there to eat. See y'all later!


Lacey Rumley said...

We LOVED seeing you yesterday. Now study your "patootie" off, ace your con apps exam, and we'll see you in less than two weeks! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! You can take me out for lunch!!! Haha, I'm just kidding..or am I??? Ha, yeah, anyway, we're definitely getting together while you're home on break. So, I'll save anything interesting for then...later, kid.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! Can't wait until finals are over (even more than you). Con Apps have yet to meet thier match - you are about to do that! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

Well, most young ladies want less patootie anyway...

Go get 'em. I see 100% coming.

Anonymous said...

My big sister is amazing. You can do it, girl. I'm praying for you. Let me know how things are going!

lots o' love,