Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Let out a...


Ok, now back to the task at hand.


Anonymous said...

Am I allowed to join you in your yell of frustration? If not, fine! I'll do it all alone. *Sigh* You're almost done, you got this. Just think, you get to see me in like a week!!!! Of course, it's anyone's guess if that would actually cheer you up or not. Ha, I'm so mean to myself! How does that work? Ok, I'll talk to you later, kid, take care.

Anonymous said...

Boy do I hear ya, kid. At least you could virtually emit your frustration. Hope you feel better now. Just a couple more weeks; keep saying it, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home..." (click, click, click)
I love you!!!

Tobin and Erin said...

Yes, I am commenting on my comments to say...

you guys are ridiculous. Haha, but I love you all anyways. Have a great night/day or whenever it is that you read this.

Anonymous said...

"Si me pidieras el mundo entero, te lo daria."

Translation #1: If you asked me for the entire world, I'd give it to you.

Translation #2: I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Take heart, my love. This too shall pass. (and yes, I know that's not an actual Bible verse)


Anonymous said...

Hydrate me, PLEASE!!!!