Saturday, May 14, 2005

Finals Stress Relievers

1) Try to lick your elbow.

2) Have a group meeting and play dodgeball (everyone against the most annoying and/or useless member).

3) Try to find your roomie (could keep me occupied for days).

4) Wear everything you own backwards.

5) Walk around campus in a bathing suit and a sheet (no, I have not done this).

6) Jump off the top of your dorm building into a pile of snow (all the cool MIT kids are doing it).
*note* requires snow

7) Every time the person you are doing your homework with leaves the room, erase his/her latest work.

8) Scream.

9) Find four middle-aged canoers to send you pictures. Eek.

10) Go outside often and lay out. And then get bored. And then jump into the weed-infested lake full of ugly white fish with water that tastes really bad and has hot and cold spots and the ladder is broken so you have to swim to the other side to get out and you get lost because you are swimming on your back and you end back up at the deck so you have to swim all the way back across the lake and you get weeds stuck in your hair because you are swimming on your back and then you have to walk all the way around the lake in only your suit because your stuff is at the deck and then you end up in a sheet. And people think you are dressed unseemly.

11) Repeat number 10. Cuz it's fun.

12) Complete every final in a foreign language. Even the math ones. Use Greek letters.

13) Watch a movie named Saw with your roomie and a couple of other people and then have them all leave you alone for the night with a huge imagination and see how late you can stay up.

14) "Don't Ask Me How I Know" is a good song.

15) That last one wasn't something to do but this one is: tear up your final fifteen minutes into the exam while yelling "freedom" in a heavy Scottish brogue. Then pause and sit quietly at your desk. Raise your hand and ask politely for another exam because you lost the last one. Repeat every fifteen minutes.

16) Try not to use the letter "e".

17) Pretend you are Peter Pan and your Spanish teacher is Captain Hook.

18) Take all of the ARA dishes in your room back to the cafeteria and go tell your coach that you already lifted for the day.

19) Fresh out, folks, but I will probalby think of more further into the week.

Disclaimer: If you have seen these before (Jaymi), it is because I SAW NO COPYRIGHTS, so lay off me, alright!!?? I would have added "I'm starvin", but that most definitely has a copyright. Somewhere.


Anonymous said...

what about the ppl that read jaymi's blog?

Anonymous said...

Tell me honestly...were those original??? Definitely the most funny thing I've heard or seen all day. And that includes Elyse(the klutz)'s attempts at ballet. WOW. Write more of that, eh?
w/ love,

Anonymous said...

So as of 3:30 am sunday march 15 2005, Rachel Haner got the call. She's getting two new lungs (well pre-owned)by now they should be in.

Anonymous said...

Ha, Erin, you make me laugh!!! There were only a couple of them that were repeats, but I guess ya know me well 'cause I was definitely gonna comment on that. But, since gave your little disclaimer notice, I won't comment about the sheer unoriginality of your work, posting something on your blog that you already posted on mine. I won't do it...that would just be like..well, completely pointless, wouldn't it? Wow, I annoy myself sometimes. NO COMMENTS from the peanut gallery on that one. Ha, ok, so I'm not sure exactly what's going on for this weekend, if we'll get to hang out or not 'cause of your "changes" or whatever. Let me know, though. If we don't get to hang out at least for a little while, I think Imma like have to kill someone. I'm going crazy here. Wow, really long. Better go before it gets worse.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, definitely not fully awake yet. It should be, "But, since YOU gave your little disclaimer notice..." Ok, that's it.

Anonymous said...

She has that whole "crazy" effect on a lot of people.