Sunday, February 20, 2005

T-minus Two Days


A little calc studying now until vball (from 2 to 4) then more calc studying. Relax a little, go to bed, sleep until I wake up, more studying, calc final at 1, physics studying, go to bed, physics final at 8, then HOME AT NOON!!!!

Folks, quarter break is almost here! The birds are singing, the ground is thawing, and I am almost one-sixth of my way through college. Wow, almost past the second grade. Can you believe it? I love breaks, they keep me going.

New movies of my niece are out! Wow, she's the cutest niece ever! I can't wait to see her over quarter break. That also means I get to see Luke, Lacey, Emily, and Dan as well (the college clan up north - ok, not all of them are still in college, but close enough).

So my roomie and I definitely got to church this morning 45 minutes late! Who knew it started at 10, not 10:45? Oh well, we got the singing at the end and a good portion of the message. I like that church so far. Last Sunday I went with Amy Schnegg to a United Methodist church, but it wasn't as good in my opinion. Yay for an awesome roomie! Next quarter we are going to start doing a devotional together, which means she'll have to be here in the room sometimes, haha. I'm excited about that!

Everyone have a grand day; I'm sure going to! Woohoo!!

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