Sunday, February 20, 2005

It's about that time

Bed is calling to me.

I just finished watching Finding Nemo, yes, I am studying hard. Haha, I have the shortest attention span ever, I swear. I feel pretty good about this calc exam though, so I'm not too worried.

Volleyball is so awesome! We had a two hour practice today, the first long one with almost the whole team there since volleyball season ended. It rocked! After break we get to start practicing 4-5 days a week again! I am so excited! It's such a stress-reliever and all-around good time to have volleyball at the end of a long day at Rose. True, it's not all roses, but I still love it.

A day and a half left! I still have to pack MOUNDS of stuff, but that can wait. I have other priorities, such as sleep and studying right now. Off I go (my niece is amazing! the new pictures rock!).

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