Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Oh, it's not that I have nothing to do. When that happens, you won't find me bored. For the first few hours, anyways. No, I have things I could be doing. But I reallyreallyreally don't want to. So I decided to entertain whoever is scanning this here blog.

So the creepy-dude scenario is rather "to-be-continued". You see, I can't be outright mean to him. And, sadly, that is not because I am not capable of being mean to him. It is because recently a family member of his died and I would feel like the biggest cretin in the world if I hurt him. Well, maybe not the BIGGEST cretin. But close. So I endure his comments. Now he is convinced that I can't get over what he told me a week or two ago. At first he was like "I hope I didn't really creep you out on Tuesday". I was like "No, I wasn't" (lie through the tightly gritted teeth). Then the next day (these comments just pop out randomly as we are in class, he just leans forward and drops the bomb. I swear, that kid...anyways, the next day he says "I don't want anymore awkward silences between us." "Um, huh?" "Don't you remember? You like didn't say anything to me yesterday." That's the point, genius!!! Let it go!! But I just tried to forget about it. If you will recall, we sit right across form each other. So my current sitting position at all times is with feet tucked tightly and safely out of range under my chair (gets a little painful some days, but it's the price one pays to get rid of creepy guys) and my book in my lap. I was late for class because I went back to get my book because I didn't want to share with him.

Oh my gosh, I'm changing my habits for him. That means I'm letting him control me. Oh geez. The dilemmas I find myself in. Well, I guess I could just sprawl as much as I want under that table. In fact, I could use him for a footrest. Then he couldn't possibly accuse me of playing footsie with him. Or I could say whatever I want to him. I could shout insults across the table, actually. Good plan. OH, speaking of shouting insults, one of the excercises we had to do in class was make up clean insults in Spanish. We were placed into teams, and of course, I was with Creepy Guy. So the first thing he says is, "It's going to be fun to make insults about you." He's acting like a deeply wounded ex. But he wasn't even a current, or a pre, or even a thought!! So I just smiled. Hey, hit me again, that feels good. Ah, that hit the spot.

Ok, I'm off, physics lab soon. This weekend is gonna ROCK. Who cares that I will sleep about zero hours. Not necessary. I wanna hold my baby. Ok, peace out. Haha.


Anonymous said...

So bitter. So cynical. Can't wait to get to college and experience guys after highschool. Maybe Grace doesn't let those kind of guys in...Well, I guess I'll find out. You're amusing. Can't wait to see you Saturday!!!

Lacey Rumley said...

can't wait to see you this weekend! it feels like it's been forever. and grace is SO big now...she'll be happy to see you.
about the boy - WEIRD! but i guess it doesn't surprise me that the pretty sister is getting all this attention from boys (hehe). no, truly, i would expect boys to fall all over themselves for you; i just wish it wasn't the creepy ones that were doing it!
welp, better go. see you SOON! love you,

Anonymous said...

The proper response to "I don't want any more awkward silence" is "I prefer comfortable silence, too."

Anonymous said...

You ought to be writing books! Amazing imagination. Like I always say, "YOU CAN DO IT!" In fact, "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!" You even got Dad involved - amazing again! See you Saturday - YEAH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adminidad sounds like a superhero name ...or the name of a chocolate.

Lacey Rumley said...

I think adminidad sounds like a small sister (or brother) country to Trinidad.

Lacey Rumley said...
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Lacey Rumley said...

You are a dead man...or woman...whatevever. I happen to think of the beard as more a GQ kind of thing than mountain-man, or "Lumberjack Billy" - thanks, Betsey (you are going down, too).

Well, I am going to bed, you can catch an updated Grace page on our website as well as our story now indicates that we are married. Bye, you mean crusher of men's feelings - Luke (I am over it now)

Anonymous said...

This is your blog speaking, please update me, I am drowning in non-information. What is the latest?