Saturday, April 16, 2005


Oooohhhh man, WHY am I awake this early on a Saturday? I am WAY too used to waking up at the buttcrack of dawn. This is getting ridiculous. I seriously was worried that I would miss lunch (I usually do on Saturdays). So when I woke up, I hurried to look at the clock. I just knew I would be too late. But those lovely green digits were very clear when they screamed "6:52!!!!!!!!" at me. WHAT???!!! That doesn't even make sense. So I stayed in bed because I refuse to get up at that time on the weekend. But sadly, I actually got out of bed at 9:30 because I couldn't take it anymore. I was wide awake!

So here I am. Eyes open, head clear, and all that 9:50 on a SATURDAY. Come visit if you like, the door is always open. I'm off, maybe I'll go do something interesting for a while. And quiet, considering my roomie's still in bed. :( Sure, she picks THIS night to actually be in our room. Jk, I love her, but good grief, I'm too awake to be quiet. Music cranked or movie time, I wish. If you are awake and reading this, email or comment or call to give me ideas. I'm out!

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