Monday, January 24, 2005

You Know Why I'm Glad I'm At College?

So I no longer have to deal with immature boys.

Wait a that's not right. Story time!

I'm eating lunch with some BSB3 girls, oh-so-innocently. However, there is bright sunshine glaring off our table right into our eyes. So I get up and pull the shades closed until our table is nicely shaded. We are happy.

The table next to us, that was beautifully shaded before-hand, says "hey" when I close it, but I say "it's bright". I think that will stop them from becoming upset. Ooo, the naivete.

Two minutes later, the pygmy football player...oops, I mean the vertically-challenged bouncer...or whatever, from the next table gets up and goes to the shade and...get this...yanks it wide open, walking back with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. His gender-confused, I mean, long-haired hippie...or whatever, says "this is the first time the sun's been out in weeks". Obviously this was supposed to justify their oh-so-gentlemanly maneuver.

Meanwhile, we BSB3 girls are being blinded (not being able to see what you are eating in the ARA is dangerous to your health) and slowly the right side of my face is being cooked to a nice pinkish tinge. Nice for a Christmas ham, but not quite the look I was going for.

Yes, I was angry. And I have lovely Confused Boy in my class next hour. So this might be a To Be Continued. Class time. Wish me luck.

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