Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I don't appreciate being bipolar at times. My mood is so capricious. The tiniest thing can make my day or send me into that melancholy that, while so comforting and protective, is also the most damaging attitude I could have. It not only affects me and my mood, but also anyone who is around me.

Contentment is something I am working on. It's so exhausting to be around someone who is constantly dissatisfied. I am where I am, and I can't change that. I can, however, make the best of it. This is my life, it's happening right now. Enjoying the breath-taking moments is easy for anyone, but it takes someone of true character to find the joy or the value in the rest.

FYI: Nose strips are amusing. If you enjoy inflicting pain on yourself, that is. Try not to put them too close to your eyes.

1 comment:

Adminswife said...

Boy are you your father's daughter. Funny about the nose strips. I can see the stripes on your face now. I am very concerned about you "girls" being away from home. Seems the longer you stay away, the more you need your mother. Sure do love you though!