Monday, December 11, 2006


After our first performance. It's not really fair, being short. You get stuck with all the slightly awkward poses. Not fun when taking multiple pictures. Anyways, aren't we gorgeous?? ;)

Zaiss is joining me tomorrow for choir! :):)


Anonymous said...

You ARE gorgeous!

Wish I could hear you sometime. Will you sing for me when you come home??



Adminswife said...

Me too! Please sing for me! Lovely picture! I copied it!

Anonymous said...

What's a Zaiss?

Tobin and Erin said...

oh boy. it's a person, dad. she's on the vball team and she's coming to sing with me! :):)

Emily said...

dad you are not alone. dan asked me who Zaiss is, and i had no idea.

erin, you need to let the fam know when you are never know when we might be able to come!

Luke said...

Yup yup to all of the above.

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture.

Choir makes me think of PCS and how you, Sarah and I would stand in the back and try to stay out of trouble while Mrs. Davis went over songs. Those were fun times :)

Have a good rest of the week and I'll see you soon!