Sunday, August 27, 2006

Relax, Everyone

Just so you know, my parents aren't dead, missing, or even pulling a surprise visit on any of their college-aged children. Nor did a storm knock out all of their electricity and phone lines for two days. Nor did they decide to up and move without telling anyone.

No, indeed, they were safely packing up and moving my older sister in a highly planned and advertised maneuver that my brain quickly filed away in the "Block for Future Panic" drawer. Life's never dull when you have a recorded message on one end of the line and a hyperactive imagination on the other.

So put away your bloodhounds, unplug the Red Alert alarm still buzzing in your mind, and prop your feet up for some well-deserved rest. Once again, your Wort of Worry has saved the world and your immediate family from pending disaster; and once again you realize how silly your fears are in the face of a God so huge that no matter where your family was they never really left the palm of His hand.

Love you guys, glad you're not dead! Call me sometime or I may forget the valuable lesson I just learned. :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I had a nice long comment all typed out...then my computer decided to let its retardedness rear its ugly head. Thus, no happy, beautiful comment.

But, yes, Florida sounds like a definite possibility. We still have a few months to decide on that. Yeah, but I'm out. Later, kiddo.

Adminswife said...

I swear, you should write a book. You have such an imagination. Keep up the good work. Try to remember where we are and not panic. I tell you our plans for a reason. I guess I can tell the real color of your hair. Love you either way!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am dead. I'll check and get back to you.