Monday, August 29, 2005

Why Thank You

I am rather partial to my blog's new look myself. You see, I was waaaay too bored yesterday, and I changed a lot of stuff in my blog; the whole template, some of the profile, and the little info bar at the top. Heh heh, if I am still bored today, it will probably change some more.

It is my roomie's second anniversary with her boyfriend today, so she will not be around. We don't have practice. There is freshmen orientation. Therefore...I have nada to do. That means I can do WHATEVER I want; and it also means I will probably not be able to think of a thing to do. Any suggestions would be happily accepted. By Thursday I will be loaded up with homework, so I need to go out and do stuff now.

Well, I'm out, take care and have an amazing day!


Anonymous said...

i have an idea for something to my homework. i'd be happy to scan my real analysis or modern algebra homework to you...

have a wonderful lazy day! enjoy to while you can!

Lacey Rumley said...

oooh! Erin, we need you and a shovel at our land ASAP. They are actually breaking ground Tuesday or Wednesday, but you could get a head-start! Thanks a ton!

: - )

Anonymous said...

Ok, so, here's a question. Why do I laugh at pretty much every single thing you post? Maybe it's 'cause I'm as bored as you are...hmm, I'll have to think about that one. Really like the new layout. I'll find out as soon as I can about the 10th. It'll all depend on what my work schedule is(*smile* work!!!). If that doesn't happen, I'll make sure I get down there some other time. Miss you and hope your boredom is quickly cured(aka, classes starting with LOTS and LOTS of homework, haha). See ya!