Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend #2 with Tobes

Although I seem to feel every minute and hour go by oh-so-slowly during the week, it sure makes the time on the weekends I get to share with my husband feel significant . I don't want to take for granted even a minute that I have with him. I've learned how inadequate a phone is; it sure is nice to not depend on one conversation to set the tone for the rest of my night.

This weekend was fantastic once again. Jesse and Melissa finished up ASBC and came down for another weekend with us; very fun! We had such a good time with them. They headed back to Texas before lunch time on Sunday.
Also, we had a dinner with the leaders of our OCF Bible study and another couple. It was a nice evening, and I was glad to have the chance to get to know them all a little better than seeing each other once a week for a couple of hours.
Below is a picture of the beautiful sunset on the pier downtown, looking out into the bay/gulf. Also, a very recent (a few hours old!) picture of Tobin and me in the mall parking lot. He left not too long after, since he was catching a ride with another couple headed to ASBC, and they wanted to leave early. That's where getting to see each other on the weekends gets hard. I don't like saying goodbye so many times!
Tomorrow is my presentation at is for two (out of five) phases of my project, and I practiced the presentation once with Tobin while I was here. He asked some great questions, which will help me prepare a little more for tomorrow evening.
Trying not to be too stressed out or overwhelmed; and missing my best friend. I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving! It will be a long trip, but well worth it to see the family for a couple of days. Hope you are all doing well!


Tim said...

Your presentation is going to awesome. Of course, if you're like your Dad, you won't think so. That doesn't matter, though. It only matters what your audience thinks and they are going to be blown away by your amazing content and stunning delivery. I love you and I will be praying for you.

Adminswife said...


Enjoyed your update. Looks funny to have no winter coats on. We had snow flakes today. SW Michigan was supposed to get a foot of snow (don't know if it happened or not). Elyse can't wait for the snow (I think she forgot about shoveling last year).

Have a good one tomorrow - I have complete faith in your ability to knock their socks off!

Emily said...

I'm praying for you right now. I'm very confident in your abilities. Even if the presentation happens to not go as you expected, delivary wise, I'm sure the content is excellent. I've found that the old folks in the company are very gracious and kind during the newbies presentations.

Love you! Be confident! You will do great!