Monday, February 04, 2008

Nineteen WOW

I totally know I told y'all I'm not updating until after the wedding...but I have this countdown running on my homepage, and it says 19 days!! That's SO CLOSE! I'm very excited and so happy, and all I can think of are how many things I have to get done before 19 days is up. Yikes.

New news: I have a job now! I'm working at a local bbq smokehouse, and it will be my first day today. I told no one to come by, but I think they're coming anyway. Poo. Anyways, I'm hoping to still get the days off I need to get off before the wedding. Like this Tuesday is the volleyball banquet, Sunday is Tobin's grandma/grandpa's 50th anniversary event, and next Sunday is the private shower for my wedding. I would really like to attend. :) We'll see, hopefully Rick is cool with letting me have those days. Oh, and I'd really like the 23rd and the next few days off, too. Sheesh. Ridiculous. I'm gonna get fired before I even start! At least he knows I'm only part time for the first few weeks.

Well, time to study a bit before I go work out. Later!

1 comment:

Adminswife said...

Zachary laughed and said, "It's true." That you will get fired before you even start.

You should take up writing - you are so clever. Always enjoy reading what you wrote.

Make sure you get Tuesday off, if not, let us know and we won't come down. Or maybe we will and bug you at work.