Monday, January 29, 2007

yay it's monday

After this week, we'll be done shooting our movie for Horror Lit; I'll let y'all know if I will get a copy of said movie or not. Hopefully not. It's going to be highly amusing to watch, but I'd rather not have the evidence of my humiliation in a form that could be copied and distributed. For those of you that didn't know, I'm part of a group of 7 making a film for my lit class; it's a horror film, or it's supposed to be. So I get to scream, run, cry, etc. Oh boy. Why do I do these things to myself? Actually, the hardest scenes to shoot were the ones where I just have to sit and talk to somebody. I'd rather run around; no surprise there.

In other news...I'm not overloading next quarter. That was decided for me today after getting my spring quarter bill. Mmm, I love this school.

Em, are you going to need that stats book? Let me know.


Adminswife said...

As long as it didn't keep me up at night, I would LOVE to see your movie. You ARE amazing!

Adminswife said...

Did you know it isn't Monday, it is Saturday? Just thought you would like to know. Update, please? Would love to hear how your life is going. Miss you and all the other kids. GR is having a blizzard until tonight. They can't even get to the grocery store or the laundromat. It is freezing here, but not snow in sight (other than on the ground already).