Tuesday, December 14, 2004

stick a fork in me...

Well folks, I just completed the worst academic day yet at Rose. This makes the third day I haven't gotten comp apps hmwrk done...although the other days I actually turned in something. Then I went on to fill my lunch hour madly trying to finish a calc assignment, only to find out that it was not due until the next day. Then I traversed on to fail (or nearly fail) a physics final because I spent all the time I could have been studying for it on comp apps and calc. So after that (and my psychology class) I finished a physics lab, ate dinner, played and lost a bball game, then decided to have some ME time.

No, that's not mechanical engineering time, that's quality, do-nothing-but-what-i-want-to-do-because-i-have-a-car-temporarily time. It rocked. I am in such a good mood now...yay!! I finished buying a Christmas gift for my roomie and spent some time at Starbucks with me, my laptop, and a peppermint mocha grande. Most enjoyable, however, was singing at the top of my lungs in the car, blasting my country tunes. Oh yeah! I didn't even cry once. That was a shocker in and of itself. It was just a good time.

Now I am back at Rose and I must go to bed because tomorrow is just as if not more busy as today was, and it starts super early as I get help on my comp apps. Wish me luck (I have 3 more tests this week)! Hopefully I can get everything done by Thursday and work moved up as well so I don't have to come back to Rose on Friday. We shall see. Good night everyone! Signing off.

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