Monday, July 14, 2008

Blue Angels

This weekend, Tobin's parents came down to visit us. It was a great weekend. Saturday, we planned on going to the beach to watch the Blue Angles fly. The weather had other plans, however. We spent a couple of hours in traffic getting onto the beach, only to have rain start pouring down and to hear that the show was being delayed. We drove around the island a bit, and saw the alien house; then we heard the show was being canceled. By that time, we were in another traffic jam for another couple of hours. Haha, we finally got home and got dried off; the next day, we found out the show was rescheduled for that day. We headed to the beach again (no traffic this time), and spent a few hours out in the sun before the show began. We were relatively unburnt, too! Amazing. The show was awesome. Below is a video of the pre-Angels planes flying in formation. Above is Fat Albert, a troop transport.

The best part of the show was undoubtedly the Angels, however. They were so fast and loud! They scared the crowd a couple of times, coming out of nowhere and zooming over our heads. They also flew in formation, only 18 inches away from each other, right past us. It was incredible!

Riley came down as well, Bill and Stacie's dog. Just made me want a dog of my own even more! The weekend turned out very well. Thanks for coming to visit, Mike and Jacque! And since we traded cars with them, we'll have to see them again sometime soon. It's so nice to have the house full of people. We won't know what to do next weekend with no one here to see us! :)

Work is going very well for me, and Tobin is busy at the house. We are both healthy and having a blast in our new home. We're finally getting settled, too. The next post, maybe I'll have pictures to show of our "new" furniture! Later.


Adminswife said...

We saw the Blue Angels too at the RailCats game. They were at the Gary Air Show, but they flew right above the game several times. After the National Anthem they did the formation where they are only 18 inches apart just for us. Then they did the Air Show, but we saw some of that when they got close to the game. It was awesome! And loud! Amazing!

Emily said...

Love the update! What a fun weekend! We closed on our house yesterday! Isn't that exciting!?! We will be working hard the next few weekends to get it all cleaned up and ready to move in!

Tim said...

Actually, we saw the Thunderbirds.

Anonymous said...

Er - so glad you´ve had company for your first couple of weekends in Florida! Wish I could be there for the next weekend to keep up the pattern. poo. Tell the Blue Angels to bring you to Spain to visit me. They can fly as far close or apart from each other as they want.

Tell Tobin I missed the running of the bulls. :( I did watch it on TV in the mornings with my host mom, though, so I practically got the experience. He could totally come to Spain and run some time! He´s in a lot better shape than most of the guys out there doing it.

As soon as I saw that bell tower in El Escorial, I HAD to take a picture of it! It reminded me so much of the Sound of Music and made me think of you. Thanks for checking out the pictures. Can´t wait to be home and explain them all myself!

Love you two!


Anonymous said...


did you guys go to Indy for your honeymoon??

It is important that I know this.

Love you,

Adminswife said...

I don't see any pictures of the finished house. I don't see any pictures of Tobin's great job at reupholstering. I just don't see any pictures. Funny how that happens.