Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth!

The Fourth of July is officially one of my favorite holidays...it's in the middle of the summer, it's all about the freedom of my amazing country, it involves explosions come ON, and no one in the neighborhood minds you being obnoxiously loud in the middle of the night. Mmm. Really, I find the sounds of explosions comforting. It's lovely.

Betsey and I are going to a local parade! SO fun...we haven't ever really been to this small town shindig. Should be fun. Welp, I should go help her make pancakes...then we are off to get ready and go see our little parade! Have a splendid holiday, everyone; don't get hurt but take the risks cuz it's worth it!

God bless America.


Adminswife said...

"Bubbles...Firesackers!" Love them. Watch them for us - we slept through our showing of them. Love you muches!

Anonymous said...

'Twas grand.

Old ladies on a bus singing "Grand Old Flag."

Accosting children to snatch their festive necklaces.

Getting fed by all our friends by crashing their parties. :) Twice in one day, mind you.

God bless America.
