Holy package! A huge box of randomness arrived from the Weideman's here at Rose...WOW! It was full of great stuff; I am amazed by their generosity. Thanks Weideman's!!!
Part II
Attack of the Goose
Rose has been plagued by an egg-guarding, ginormous bird that camps out on the sidewalk and...best part of all...attacks unsuspecting Rose nerds on their way to class. Ah, but this bird is not picky in who he chooses to hiss and charge at; no, even the innocent campus tours find theselves dodging his snapping bill. He's taken to leaping on students' backs and going for the neck. Makes great dinner entertainment when you sit by the window in the ARA, though. hehe
Part III
Vball Scrimmage and a Concert
We played DePauw on Sunday - 5 games and we won 2. Yay! Also, on Saturday the Rose Chorus was the final act in the 2-and-a-half-hour production of Engineers in Concert. Wow, some of those acts were amazing!! Haha, I think my favorite was the 4-person band made up of professors and their wives; the "drummer" played his synthesized instrument on a keyboard; oh man, he was groovin', tapping with both index fingers on a maximum of four or five different notes. Yeah...that's how we get down!

check out these gorgeous altos!! owow!!
(from left: Susannah Yoder, Brittany McGowan, Sami Dick, Charli Dvoracek, Erin Rumley)
Part IV
Congrats to Jaymi! Welcome back, darlin' Jori!! Betsey makes me laugh. Congrats to Matt! And...I officially want school to be OVER. Four more weeks...and finals...and I am done! See you all later.
Good update. 5 wish I could have heard the Rose chorus (but not the rest of the 2-1/2 hours). How did you play in the scrimmage?
Haha, the goose definitely cracked me up! Mostly 'cause I could envision it in my head...does that make me strange? And I got a "congrats" in Erin's blog!!! Hooray for me!! Yeah, the reason for that congrats is why I'm up at this ungodly hour. So, I better get going so I won't be late to my orientation. Take care, kid, and if I don't see you before, I'll see you in like 4 weeks!!!
I'm glad you liked the package we sent :). My mom, dad and I had fun looking for stuff to put in it.
The goose thing cracks me up. I would love to see some people getting attacked.
Have a great week and I'll see you soon!
Sumuppance - good word
Andy & Stephanie are expecting! Made it back from Emily's thing - SHE WAS AWESOME and CU noticed!
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