It all started with a weekend trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto in Canada. Betsey and I went up alone...we camped on Friday night at Niagara and stayed in a hostel Saturday night in Toronto, then headed home by way of Lansing on Sunday. If you would like more details as to that trip, just talk to me; a lot happened, including a COLD/bathroomless night, a man in a kilt, an outdoor concert, and a ride up the tallest building in the world. There were interesting people too; it was just a blast!
In Lansing, we discovered that Emily was engaged...YAY!! We are very excited about wedding plans. Congrats to Em and Dan!
We got back to Grace Sunday night and I went to a class with Betsey on Monday and got some of our pictures developed. Then I headed home...aahh, my beautiful big bed!! I love queen sized beds; even the extended twins at Rose don't do the trick in comparison to my lovely bed at the NWI domicile.
The week at home was so relaxing and enjoyable. I read a book ("Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen - and Mr. Bennet is my official favorite character) and watched Season 2 of 24 and rode bikes with Zach to the library twice and generally made an indolent bum of myself. I got to see the newly engaged couple on the weekend as they came down to look for wedding locations.
Then, on Saturday, my wonderful sister took me with her to Chicago to see Wicked. WOW!!! That was an experience beyond what I was expecting. I love live performances, but I had never seen a musical; this was a great way to break the ice! The Hills are my heroes. We also spent some time in Chicago with about eleven of Betsey's Grace friends...I am so glad they let a complete stranger like me hang out with them!
That night, we were all extremely tired but decided to head out to DC's for some line dancing on Saturday night anyways. It is such a blast every time we go there! I always see people I know; this time it was Dana Cornelius and Josh D'Azzena and Ashley Barajas. And the dancing was aMAZing!! The burgers were not as good this time, but that's ok. I still had a blast!
Then I headed back to Rose today (

See you all later! Have a great day.
Umm, you left out the most important part! You got to see me twice! Haha, I know that just made your whole trip worthwhile. Yeah, so I'm glad you had an awesome spring break and I'll talk to you soon, kid. Take care.
Your break sounds like so much fun. I wish I were more random and adventurous ;).
Summer is getting closer and I can't wait.
Have a great week!
The "pretty one" and her mugly other. What a pair!
GORGEOUS is right!
Yeah, these past two weeks have been non-stop fun and excitement. Get ready for an entire summer of it! (haha, uh, I don't think my bank account can handle that!)
Looked at it again...B E A yootiful!!!!
Eeeeeeriiiiiin, guess what....I GOT THE JOB!!! Woohoo! Yeah, I just thought I'd let you know in case you got around to reading this before you go to my Xanga. So, hope you're having a greeaaaat week. Take care and I'll talk to you later, kid.
So now I'm a sexy mama...haha, I'm movin' up in the world. Yeah, the school thing...I think I'm actually gonna wait til the January term starts. It just feels like the right thing to do 'cause I'll be able to have more money of my own, so I won't have as much debt, ya know. Yeah, I'm still not sure about that. And, of course, that means I won't be in the Haute with you. :-( *Sniff* But, who knows, we'll see. Later, you sexy beast! Haha....beast, yep, that's you...
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