Saturday, September 03, 2005

Opening Weekend

Well, the first four games of our season are behind us. That's right, we opened yesterday and today at Earlham College in Eastern Indiana. It was quite the weekend. We lost all four of the matches, but we went five games in one match and four in another. The second day, we figured it out for one game in a match. We were really playing together. But then we lost it in the next three games.

We are a really young senior, one junior, six sophomores, and three freshmen. And our senior is still out because of her gallbladder operation. I saw some really exciting things happening, but it was still a disappointing ending to our opening games.

On a happier note, I played quite a bit! I didn't play the last match because I made the mistake of saying that I wasn't feeling well; Coach really won't play someone who is sick if she can help it. But in the other three matches, I got a lot of time in! I played full rotation on Friday (that means I actually stayed in all the way through front row, served, and played all of the back row and just kept going...usually I only play front row). It was really cool! I had kills and such as well and several touches on the block. Woohoo!

Next week is going to be AWFUL in practice, however. Our coaches weren't happy with our performance (mainly).

Well, I have to go finish the 120 pages of Iliad reading due on Monday; I think I will save DE (Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra I - I will call it just DE from now on) and Esys (Electrical Systems) for tomorrow. Adios and have a great day at church!


Anonymous said...

Sorry you last all your matches. But, it's cool you got some sweet action playing time. I AM going to come to one of your games. It'll probably be sometime next month, but I definitely wanna see you play. Yeah, stressful day at work, so I can't think of anything creative to say. How's this...I'll talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I missed you today. Can't wait to see you over Thanksgiving. Have a great week! And good luck with all the volleyball stuff! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement, kid, I needed it...guess stress is all part of a new job, eh? That quote is from Evanescence's "Taking Over Me". One of the best songs EVER, in my oh so humble opinion. K, well, I was supposed to leave to go meet my family as soon as I got home from work...that was ummm....half an hour ago..oops, k, see ya later.