Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Well That Was Unexpected.

Ain't it great when you are just strolling through life, pretty sure of yourself, and wam! you're suddenly knocked off of your feet and left with a nasty bump on your head? On the one hand, it's a great ego-buster. On the other hand, it kinda smarts.

Sheesh, I SWEAR I was ready for that con apps exam. Then, wammo!, the test comes along and looks nothing like the homework; the people who haven't been doing the homework actually probably did better than those of us who did. Grrrr, why do I try so hard on my homework when the tests look like that???? And another thing...who in the WORLD puts 3 questions with parts a and b at least in each of them on a 50-minute test when it takes me four hours to do 2 questions every night???? HELLOOOO!!!!!

Grr. Well, strangely enough, I am in a really good mood. I think it is a slightly high feeling from the exultation of being DONE with that exam. ForEVER.

Well, I will quit posting, and YAY for Tuesday's!!!!


Anonymous said...

You probably got the highest grade in the class.

Anonymous said...

GG was the bomb! I can't believe the interaction between the characters. How funny! Love you! By the way, tell that professor that if he doesn't straigten up, he will have to deal with me. And, it won't be pretty!Love you still! MOM

Anonymous said...

Haha...poor Erin...

Anonymous said...

I had a Microeconomics test like that last week. The prof told us before he handed out the test that there were problems on it that weren't like the ones we had been doing on our homework. Isn't college grand?