Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Grinding Away

Yep, it's nose to the grindstone again. After an amazing break, here I am back at Rose. I don't want to be back yet, and all but one of the people I talked to agree with me. Two weeks is way too short for a Christmas break!

The most depressing part is that now I'm concerned about pulling my grades up. My third week exams were harder than first quarter finals! That isn't right. In fact, the best grade I got was in the class I was worried most about...comp apps! I thought I did great on my calc exam, but I instead I got a 68! The reason was that I missed a simple problem because I didn't recognize it as an arc-length problem! I would have gotten an 82 if I had realized that. I actually understand that class and I did badly in it. I can't wait for summer to come. This is ridiculous.

I finally finished my resume, on a good note. I will be re-applying to Rolls-Royce and GM as well as contacting other people that are in the engineering field that I know of. I need a lucrative job over the summer. ;) If I don't get an internship, I have the options of working Catapult at Rose, working at Best Buy (with Danny's recommendation), or job-searching everywhere else. Also, a job with Mr. Lauson or Mr. King may not be an internship. Well, we shall see. I'm kind of rooting for the Rolls internship because they pay for your housing and have places set up for you to live in, plus the pay is $12.50 per hour. But the downside is that I will be living in Indy and I won't see my family very often.

So, I get to go home in three weeks! That is for Betsey's birthday, but I also get to drive back to college, have a car for a week (WOOHOO!!!!), then drive back for Homecoming! That'll be a blast! I wasn't even sure that I could make it back for Homecoming, and now it looks like I will. Yay!!

My quarter break is Feb 25th till March 6th. I'm hoping to head up to GR for the first two days to see Luke, Lacey, and Grace. If not, being home will still be nice! Then there is spring break, but I will be leaving right after classes end the last day of school and coming back right before they start again. That equals no home time. Then there is the last haul and I am done!!

I am still without a home church, but I may have someone who will take me this Sunday, plus my roomie has offered as well. If she has a car. I am hoping to make it to a small or large group IVCF (intervarsity) meeting this week. It's so crazy how I will have so much free time when I am alone, yet I somehow never have time for the things I really want to do that will get me involved in something.

Well, hopefully today will be a better day, it's still early. Which can be scary as well as comforting. I can only hope, so I will.


Anonymous said...

what the heck?!? what about working at BestBuy with your SISTER's recommendation? i'm really feelin' the love...

Anonymous said...

What the heck? What about your brother that worked at Best Buy before electronics were invented?

Sometime write about how good of a day you are having and how much you enjoy college - tip of the day for being happy at college: grades are for the birds.

Grace and Lacey say hi!