Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Who's the bomb?

Oh yeah, I am!!

I am the Matlab queen!! I finally understand it!! Ok, so maybe it was just this lesson. But I'm not too sure. I got it, and I got it all by myself!! I know, I'm amazing.

This weekend is crazy! I may be going home on Friday OR Betsey may be coming for Sunday night and part of Monday. Either way, that's gonna rock! You see, MLK Day is this Monday. Betsey (PCS) has no school that day, so she is free to come see me after going to see Grace's dedication in GR. But my physics prof isn't having class that day either, and I may be able to get out of the rest of my classes as well. Not sure about that, but it's a possibility. If I do, then I will go home after classes on Friday and spend Friday night through most of Monday at home!! Oh, I really want to go! We shall see though. Plus it would be really cool for Betsey to come down cuz I love her!

If I am here this weekend, I want to go back to Maryland (the church I visited last Sunday). I already got a mailing from them, and they are supposed to call sometime (haha, if I am there...I am running around quite a bit). I can ask them some questions I have then. That would be nice.

I called in response to an add for a female Algebra II tutor for a high school student. I don't know if I will get the job, but if I do it will be a good experience for me. It made me nervous, but I think I would enjoy getting back into the "easy" math.

Also, I went to an information session for Operation Catapult (thinking about working it). There are about 60 ppl applying for this position, and they have 3 or 4 positions available. Plus there are only 3 or 4 females on staff every summer. Which means, if they even are looking for a female, the chances are pretty slim of me getting the position. I guess I need to depend more on the internship possibilities. Speaking of which, that is what I will be doing this afternoon. Applying for internships. And playing volleyball (every Wednesday we have a pick-up game).

Hope your day is as good as mine will be, Happy Weekend Wednesday everyone!!


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