Also, I started to watch T's game in Italy...but then it froze! The part I saw, though, showed Rose was a lot better than the Italian guys. Tobin contacted me later...apparently Rose won 89-0. :)
Mom came to visit me, which was GREAT, it was so lonely here with everyone gone! I am now mostly packed...thanks, Mom! She headed home today, so I am getting some cleaning done. Highlights from the trip: packing with Mom, baseball with Zach, and getting my makeup done by Elyse! (I wore it to work too!)
Tobin comes home really late tonight or early tomorrow. :)
We ARE kind of a good looking bunch. Too bad we can't find Mike & Jacque. I know they were there.
Thanks for the use of your motel. We all had a great time. Hopefully, Tobin will be home tonight, not tomorrow.
That is a pretty passle o´ people!
Sorry I couldn´t make it to senior night, graduation, Tobin´s ceremony, Tobin´s games in Italy, etc..... :) Would´ve loved to be there for all of it.
Love to all,
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