Monday, March 17, 2008

Gun Shoot

Tobin and I went to the Rose open gun shoot on Saturday. It was so fun! I got to shoot a handgun (45) and watched Tobin shoot a 9 mm handgun. We spent a lot of time with the shotguns. I tried a 20g and a 12g. With the 20, I actually hit a few of the clay birdies!!! I was surprised and very excited. The 12 was heavier and I did more damage to my shoulder than the clay birdies, that's for sure. Then I got to shoot a rifle. It was called a 30-06, which I have no idea what that means, but it was HUGE. I had to prop it on bags and sit to shoot it. It only took four rounds in the clip, but that was plenty. The bullets were so big! It sounded like a cannon to me, but then again I haven't heard very many guns before. Anyways, four shots was more than enough for my shoulder. I had no idea if I hit the targets or not; I had everything lined up in the scope, but after I pulled the trigger I just tried to stay in my seat and make sure the gun didn't jump off the bags, so I never saw anything happen to the targets. The other rifles I shot were the 22's, and those are fun little guys. I shot at little rubber rabbits hanging by their ears, lol! It was a lot easier to hit a target with those lighter guns. All in all, it was really fun and I can't wait to shoot again! I'll update more another time. Later!


Adminswife said...

Zachary says: "I want to shoot guns!" He would like to join you the next time.

FEBC has a trap shoot on April 19th at Pastor's property. It starts with breakfast at 8:00. Shawn Brown is in charge of it. All the men enjoyed it last year.

Elyse says: "It would be funny if the rifle was bigger than you. I really think you shouldn't have gone shooting because Mom told you that your shoulder would get hurt. Bye-bye."

Mom says: "I warned you about your shoulder."

K-4 to 3rd grade sang in church yesterday (Elyse was in the group). They also memorized Psalm 8 with hand motions. It was very good!

Tim said...

A lot of my car buddies are also into guns. I may copy and post this on a discussion board. They would get a kick out of your description of shooting a thirty-ought-six.