My brother is incredible and put together a site (click here) for our wedding. It looks great, and soon will have some more information on it for you to enjoy!
School is keeping me very busy, but I am attempting to find a part-time job for the rest of the year as well, so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I played some IM volleyball last night. That was a lot of fun! It's been a while since I have been able to play. The teams weren't very good, but I got to hit once and just touching a volleyball again was nice.
Christmas break is in two weeks, which I'm really looking forward to! I haven't finished my shopping yet, darn it. And I think it's only one or two more gifts, but still...I think some people enjoy finding gifts for other people, but for me it's kind of stressful. I love to give gifts, but only if I am sure they will love what I'm giving them.
We booked the White Chapel and the Ohio Building and photographer are almost booked, and we meet with the caterer on Sunday to finalize the food and cake with her. Then over the rest of the weekend we are hoping to register and possibly find wedding bands as well. :) Exciting stuff, we'll be keeping busy! I'll try to post more later, maybe with pictures.

Here's a summery one. Mm, Florida!
Puttin' on the pressure, eh?
I don't think anyone could call that a "site" yet. How many times have you clicked the buttons? I call it're welcome!
Three to five inches of snow expected and you show bathing suits - unfair! Boo is home - YEAH!
We got 3 to 5 inches if my knees are 3 to 5 inches off the ground. Why did I have 6 kids if they're not around to shovel snow when I need them?
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