Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Vball Stuff

It's what I do, sorry that's all I've talked about recently. Here are some photos from the last home match. We didn't win, I don't know why we played so poorly...I actually had a decent game, but we couldn't pull it together.


This one makes me laugh. Frog legs!

These next two are in sequence. Block goes up:

Nu-uh, son.

Trying to split 'em. Don't remember if I was successful or not.

That's all, folks. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I definitely did enjoy those; thanks for posting them. I find it a little funny that the "frog leg" pic you don't like is the one that ends up on the website. Sad days. Your "Nu-uh son" sequence was funny and amAZing!!! I like getting to see what you're up to. Because you're cool.

Love you!

Adminswife said...

You are amazing! Loved the pictures. Loved your picture beside the write up for the game against Defiance. Yeah for Erin!

Luke said...

You are an animal.

Tim said...

The bottom picture is now the wallpaper on my work computer.