Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Chin Up

I don't really have time for this, but since I am currently stuck in the middle of a Matlab program that won't work, here I go anyway!

Heading down to Florida in a day and a half! I'm excited; I think I have everything I need, or almost! Now I just have to pack it all. The hard part is getting everything done before we leave. I have to finish that scholarship package and send it, pay a bill, finish my Matlab homework and Heat Transfer homework, write thank-you notes to professors, and study for and pass a test for tomorrow. Volleyball practice is mixed in there somewhere along with packing. I don't think sleep is very high on the list. And I no longer have time for choir, so I may not be making that cd I told y'all about. Boo.

So, my internship is getting closer, and I am getting scared. There are so many times that I am doing my homework and I sit back and think, "who in their right mind would want to DO this for the rest of their lives?" as I begin to stab a pen in my eye. Hopefully reality will far surpass college banality. It's not so much the social stuff; it's the horrible, dull, tedious and grueling academics. I think at this point I should be finding things I'm interested in and enjoying a class or two. Beyond the occasional senile professor, classes are actually witheringly boring. Except for my lit classes. In hindsight, I may have picked the wrong major. Er, school.

Don't worry, be happy! I shall make lots of money, pay off my loans, and become a book editor or a log-hauler or a hole-digger and be dirty, healthy, and content.

And I just found out my comp apps assignment got moved back, so these tears are now tears of joy. Later taters!


Adminswife said...

As usual, I don't understand you. I had to look up "banality" but welcome to my world. Everything is the same, there is nothing new under the son. I heard that somewhere, thought I would enlighten you a bit. Have a super time on your trip. Think of us freezing while you are soaking up the rays.

Adminswife said...

BTW, I hate the "word verification" thing - I can never type it right the first time, or the second. Usually I get it right on the third or fourth.

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin. Technical / scientific education can make a great, well-informed writer. Keep being well-rounded, it will pay off.

Anonymous said...

If being well-rounded was your goal, you could've just eaten in Alpha dining like me and saved a lot of money. As it is, you're going to end up sickeningly smart and rich. It's not such a bad trade-off, eh? (can i live in your basement?)

I'm proud of you for sticking it out, kiddo!!! Keep your chin up and keep working are GOING to see those payoffs, and God will keep sending those little breaks of mercy just when you need them. LOVE YOU!!!


Emily said...

nice use of vocab! keep workin' at it Erin! We are praying for you!