Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Night Has So Few Hours

I could have sworn I told you all about the Cat job offer. I really think I did. But if not, I did now. Yeah, I got an extension on the deadline for when I had to accept the offer. Now I have until November 1st to tell them yes or no. That still doesn't leave me a lot of time, but I can at least see if I hear back from any other companies between now and then. If you want to know any more, talk to me later.

*Edit* It's now really early (4:30 or so) in the morning and I am still up and feeling giddy, so I thought I would say hi to you all while you are snug in your beds. Except for maybe Jaymi. Never know when you'll decide to hit the sack you crazy girl. I have a career fair breakfast in two and a half hours, so pretty soon I'll start getting ready for that. I have a test and two quizzes tomorrow...I am FINALLY ready for one of the quizzes (yes, that is why I am up so late...for a QUIZ, mind you). Matlab and I don't get along too well. Oh joy, I just realized that I get to lug around my laptop tomorrow as well as my thermo book for my open book test. Maybe I'll start taking a shopping cart to class. Good grief. I'm off to study or shower or something productive. Later!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for an honorable mention of me!! Kid, you definitely need more sleep if you're taking quizzes and junk. Good grief, darlin', can't have you falling over, asleep on me, now can I? Anyhoo, can't wait to see you in a week!! Yay, exciting stuff! But for now I think I'm actually gonna go to bed. Eesh, I'm glad I don't have to work tomorrow. Later, kiddo, see ya soon!

Anonymous said...

In most cases there comes a point where staying up to study longer begins to lower your grade due to the tiredness factor. I hope you did well.