Saturday, September 09, 2006


Another weekend of volleyball matches...and I don't have a whole lot to say. Correction, yes I do, but it wouldn't keep this page entirely G-rated.

We went 1-3 this weekend. The match with Wilmington was better; we won in 5 games, and we had the most amazing crowd EVER there to support us. Paint, bare chests, and all. :) That was amazing. They cheered us all the way. They even cheered the Earlham match before, even though we lost miserably. The win against Wilmington felt good. I just wasn't happy with my own performance. Yeah, I know, what else is new???

Soooo...trying to forget about sports that start with "v" now. Lots to get done this weekend. Better get started.


Anonymous said...

So...what other sports start with "V"? Just curious...

Adminswife said...

Sorry we missed your games. You are awesome though - black eye and all. See you Friday! Another one grew up on us!

Anonymous said...

BLACK EYE??!!! For one, I can't believe you didn't tell me. For another, I can't believe you don't have pictures of it posted. Clearly that's a pretty major accomplishment. All well.

Can't wait to see you!!!!!!


Emily said...

I still think you're wonderful!