Sunday, January 08, 2006

I've Got Nothing To Say

I realized belatedly as I began to write this post. Heh heh. What to say?

I am realizing more and more that the more I try to do, the more that lies before me. Grrr. Getting ahead is a challenge, that's for sure. I guess it's about prioritizing, which is not my strong point.

Sooo...rule #1 for prioritizing: quit lollygagging and get yourself in gear! Therefore, I am going to GO and get 'r done, rather than write a ridiculously long blog about nothing in particular.

Don't you feel a sense of accomplishmentg for having taken a few moments out of your day to read this nowhere post? Good good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've done this many times...started writing a post and realized I got nothin'. And, yeah, definite feeling of accomplishment after reading this wonderful, meaningful post. Later, kiddo.